Chat with Gabe. It's long (like six hours long), I apologize. But if you're really interested, give it a whirl:
(6:24:06 PM) locolicious: anyway i was wonderin if you had some time to have a quick talk about the game
(6:24:58 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah let's talk. i wanted to talk yesterday but you weren't on lol
(6:25:07 PM) locolicious: lol oops.
(6:25:15 PM) locolicious: but basically i do not want to force rocks
(6:25:36 PM) locolicious: if that is the tie breaker / do we even know
(6:26:29 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah i definitely don't want there to be a tie
(6:28:24 PM) locolicious: what do you think the chances of it not being one lol
(6:28:44 PM) locolicious: i talked to shorty earlier like when we first swapped, and he basically was like "i'd rather draw rocks than go against my alliance"
(6:28:58 PM) locolicious: and i asked him if he thinks idols might be in play. and was just like "maybe".
(6:30:22 PM) Gabe Vail: lol he's so subtle. he should just fess up to having idols
(6:30:34 PM) locolicious: lol ikr
(6:30:47 PM) Gabe Vail: so dewie proposed the alliance of you/me/dewie/ashley/kyle to you too?
(6:30:50 PM) locolicious: yes
(6:30:52 PM) locolicious: after our duel
(6:30:53 PM) locolicious: er
(6:30:54 PM) locolicious: challenge
(6:31:07 PM) locolicious: i basically told him who i woudlnt want to vote out
(6:31:09 PM) locolicious: from the fans
(6:31:53 PM) Gabe Vail: who?
(6:32:02 PM) locolicious: YOU
(6:32:08 PM) locolicious: which is why he proposed you/me/ashley/dewie/kyle
(6:32:15 PM) locolicious: it sounds like dewie and ashley are closer
(6:32:19 PM) locolicious: and that kyle is their third
(6:32:29 PM) locolicious: ive never even talked to kyle
(6:32:45 PM) Gabe Vail: kyle is fine kinda boring tho
(6:32:58 PM) Gabe Vail: i see a couple options for us though
(6:33:01 PM) locolicious: i agree i also heard he isnt even that great at challenges, but i guess i cant judge
(6:33:15 PM) Gabe Vail: he definitely isn't lmao
(6:33:29 PM) Gabe Vail: we had to do a jigsaw puzzle and combine our two answers.. i took 12 minutes and he took 20
(6:33:34 PM) locolicious: lol
(6:35:01 PM) Gabe Vail: so anyways i think our options are 1) try to get that fivesome to vote out the 4th fave (who is that again?) so that we continue to have the choice between fans alliance or new alliance
(6:35:11 PM) locolicious: (Outlast)
(6:35:21 PM) Gabe Vail: 2) force a tie
(6:35:22 PM) Gabe Vail: THX LOL
(6:35:53 PM) Gabe Vail: 3) force a tie and have shorty play the idol (in this scenario we get dewie/ashley/outlast/kyle to vote shorty)
(6:36:08 PM) Gabe Vail: 4) turn on the fans entirely
(6:37:06 PM) locolicious: ultimately if we go with this new fiversome alliance, we'll have to turn on a fan. either this TC or the next one we go to
(6:37:15 PM) locolicious: we could flush shorty's idol if we felt like it lulz
(6:37:51 PM) locolicious: or we could try to save it for the merge
(6:37:53 PM) locolicious: on some rando
(6:37:59 PM) Gabe Vail: lol yeah the basic decision here is to turn on the fans this round, postpone it til next round, or stick with fans
(6:38:14 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah that's true the idol could save us post-merge
(6:39:53 PM) locolicious: so on a personal level i actually like dewie and ashley more than i like shorty and sean.
like i mean i have nothing against sean or shorty really, but shorty annoys me and i never really talk to sean. and ashley and dewie are actaully talking game with us. whereas i never really talk game with either shorty OR sean
(6:40:40 PM) Gabe Vail: i've never talked game with ashley
she must hate me
(6:40:59 PM) Gabe Vail: but yeah i agree sean is basically a mute (and lbr i keep forgetting he's on our new tribe)
(6:41:48 PM) locolicious: the only thing i dont like about their new proposal is actually kyle being included in it lol
(6:42:09 PM) locolicious: but tbh i wouldnt mind working with those three (plus us) on this new tribe, and then cutting kyle early merge
(6:42:35 PM) locolicious: i think the benefits of working with these favs is getting info about the OTHER favs
(6:44:02 PM) locolicious: also, i would be open to propsosing that we vote out OUtlast first, and then compromise by cutting a fan (like..sean for example) at a future TC. it also gives us the channce to go on an immunity streak
(6:44:11 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah because i feel like that makes us 4th-5th
(6:44:13 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah i'd be cool with that too
(6:44:13 PM) Gabe Vail: also true because we really know nothing about any of them
(6:44:51 PM) locolicious: yeah. we would definitely just have to watch out who they would want to work with once the merge hits. like..if they're like "________ will work with us" we basically would have to vote that person out ASAP
(6:45:01 PM) locolicious: lolol
(6:45:14 PM) Gabe Vail: lol i pretty much agree with all of the above
(6:45:33 PM) Gabe Vail: but who knows if they'd be down for voting outlast out
(6:45:44 PM) locolicious: i think you and i could actually ride the fence pretty well. like i think shorty would FREAK out if we outright betrayed the fans
(6:45:48 PM) locolicious: and him freaking out with an idol sucks
(6:46:01 PM) Gabe Vail: it's not like sean/shorty are strong enough in challenges to really make a compelling case for their safety
(6:46:12 PM) locolicious: shorty thinks hes gods gift to this game
(6:46:27 PM) Gabe Vail: i actually want that to happen cause it'd be hilar
(6:46:55 PM) Gabe Vail: wow that was mean of me he considers me his #1
(6:46:57 PM) Gabe Vail: ooops
(6:47:02 PM) locolicious: RUDE
(6:47:06 PM) Gabe Vail: teeheehee
(6:47:23 PM) Gabe Vail: gurl i said HE considers ME his #1
(6:47:29 PM) locolicious: lol i know i'm saying he is RUDE
(6:47:34 PM) Gabe Vail: you're my #1 boo
(6:47:34 PM) Gabe Vail: <3
(6:47:39 PM) locolicious:
(6:47:44 PM) Gabe Vail: lol
(6:47:53 PM) locolicious: but did he confess his idol possession to you
(6:47:58 PM) locolicious: cuz if not lol
(6:48:44 PM) Gabe Vail: i did the puzzles for him
(6:48:54 PM) locolicious: LOL <3
(6:48:59 PM) Gabe Vail: you think he's smart enough to do that on his own?
(6:49:00 PM) Gabe Vail: and then he posted that message to everyone and i was like "HOLY sh*t I'M ALIGNED WITH A DUMBASS"
(6:49:08 PM) locolicious: lolol oh dear
(6:49:32 PM) locolicious: lol if he had not posted that i probably wouldnt have tried to rush as much as i did to find the idol
(6:50:16 PM) locolicious: so if you did the puzzles for him has he offered to share the idol with you
(6:50:17 PM) Gabe Vail: lol yeah that's the most incompetent thing i've ever seen in an online game
(6:50:20 PM) locolicious: oop
(6:52:39 PM) Gabe Vail: oop?
(6:52:39 PM) Gabe Vail: yes he has
(6:52:43 PM) Gabe Vail: but idk if he'd actually do it
(6:52:43 PM) Gabe Vail: wow that was evil of me
(6:53:59 PM) locolicious: that was but it was lulz
(6:55:06 PM) locolicious: i dunno what his plan is for this TC but i sort of expect that he hopes that one of the fans wins Immunity and he can give the idol to another fan to increase the fans chances of either idoling out a favorite or winning at the rock draw
(6:55:20 PM) locolicious: which is sorta why i dont think hes worried about the rock draw cuz maybe he thinks he will be immune from it?
(6:56:54 PM) Gabe Vail: maybe i should just ask him his plan
(6:57:06 PM) locolicious: yeah i guess lol
(6:58:31 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah maybe. f*ck him if his plan is to not draw rocks and put our lives on the line
(6:58:31 PM) Gabe Vail: cochran may be annoying as f*ck, but i agree with him in AVOIDING ROCKS
(6:59:25 PM) locolicious: also if its gonna be split 4-4 i am kinda thinking that i would want the votes to go for Outlast and Sean. and then that would give people the choice to switch their vote on the revote. like i do wanna see how willing dewie and ashley would be voting for outlast. cuz like, if its gonna deadlock, i dont want outlast and sean immune. if anyone gets rocked, i want it to be one of them. but i will not let it go to rocks. i would rather switch my vote than let it go to rocks LOL DONT TELL SHORTY he might crucify me
(7:00:15 PM) locolicious: (6:58:31 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah maybe. f*ck him if his plan is to not draw rocks and put our lives on the line <---- THIS
(7:03:10 PM) Gabe Vail: i just suggested taking shorty's idol from him and voting his a** out
(7:03:10 PM) Gabe Vail: so clealry this conversation will get NOWHERE near his ears
(7:03:31 PM) Gabe Vail: but wait if the votes were for outlast and sean that WOULD make them immune
(7:03:38 PM) locolicious: only if it deadlocks
(7:03:41 PM) locolicious: after a revote
(7:03:49 PM) locolicious: a first tie allows a revote right?
(7:04:18 PM) locolicious: and this conversation isnt getting anywhere near shorty's ears lmfao
(7:04:20 PM) locolicious: /eyes
(7:05:18 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah there's usually a revote before a deadlock
(7:07:23 PM) Gabe Vail: the problem with testing dewie/ashley is that IF they're not going to flip, then we've inadvertently sent ourselves to rockpulling
(7:07:23 PM) Gabe Vail: just to ~test~ them
(7:08:15 PM) locolicious: right. i'm not really interested in testing them. but also if i feel like i need an out to avoid rocks, i have the ability to switch on someone i dont really care about.
(7:08:26 PM) locolicious: and if that happens, we still have shorty's idol in case the four favs remain tight after the first vote
(7:09:18 PM) locolicious: like i dont want the vote to fall on either of us in case sean decides to flip, for example
(7:09:59 PM) locolicious: should i just ask dewie if he is willing to vote out outlast at this TC
(7:10:15 PM) Gabe Vail: idols cannot be used on revotes
(7:10:31 PM) locolicious: right the idol would have to be used before the first vote reveal
(7:10:34 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah sure, but don't seem pushy about it
(7:10:35 PM) locolicious: but doesnt immunity hold
(7:10:46 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah the immunity does hold
(7:11:05 PM) locolicious: what if i told dewie we were willing to vote out a fan at the next TC if he is willing to vote out OUtlast
(7:11:11 PM) locolicious: and see what he says
(7:14:02 PM) locolicious: also did you respond to him at all when he PMed you about the alliance
(7:15:14 PM) Gabe Vail: sounds good to me
(7:21:31 PM) locolicious: alternatively
(7:21:48 PM) locolicious: if dewie and them dont want to flip
(7:23:08 PM) locolicious: would there be a giant problem if i flipped. like..on my own. if dewie and them arent willing to vote out Outlast at the next TC, we still have an idol to try to idol him out.
(7:23:37 PM) Gabe Vail: what do you mean by flip on your owN?
(7:23:39 PM) locolicious: and i suggest that scenario because if i was the only one to flip, like..shorty would probably be pissed at me.
(7:23:41 PM) locolicious: but not at you
(7:23:44 PM) Gabe Vail: like you sell my a** out?
(7:23:47 PM) locolicious: no
(7:23:48 PM) locolicious: like
(7:23:53 PM) Gabe Vail: oh lol
(7:24:05 PM) locolicious: it looks like i pussy out
(7:24:15 PM) locolicious: i sent dewie a message btw
(7:24:18 PM) locolicious: so i'll see what he says
(7:24:21 PM) Gabe Vail: and sean goes
(7:24:21 PM) locolicious: and hopefully he says yes
(7:24:30 PM) locolicious: right thats the only person i'm willing to flip on at this point
(7:24:33 PM) locolicious: shorty is strong
(7:24:34 PM) Gabe Vail: then shorty/i idol out outlast
(7:24:39 PM) locolicious: yes
(7:24:55 PM) locolicious: and we can actually work with shorty. well moreso you than me if i end up flipping but lol
(7:25:21 PM) Gabe Vail: but.. that kinda leaves me 5/5 in the new alliance
(7:25:26 PM) locolicious: oh
(7:25:28 PM) locolicious: hmm
(7:25:40 PM) locolicious: i mean..maybe in their eyes. but wed have to cut kyle asap lolz
(7:26:06 PM) locolicious: but ya i see what you mean
(7:26:42 PM) locolicious: well i wills ee what dewie says
(7:26:45 PM) locolicious: and let you know when he responds
(7:34:27 PM) Gabe Vail: mmmk
(7:43:20 PM) locolicious: btw did shorty tell you what his plan was
(7:44:10 PM) Gabe Vail: he hasn't answered
(7:44:26 PM) locolicious: this is what dewie said, btw: "Ash and I discussed this a lot yesterday, if you guys show the loyalty to the 5 majority alliance at this first tribal council and vote out either Sean or Shorty we will vote outlast at the next one."
(7:46:57 PM) locolicious: i am trying to think of what the scenario would be if we go to TC two more times after this
(7:47:00 PM) Gabe Vail: why do we have to prove our loyalty before they prove theirs?
(7:47:08 PM) Gabe Vail: are they inherently more trustworthy than us?
(7:47:11 PM) locolicious: i know. but i think we rae all thinking the same thing
(7:47:14 PM) locolicious: like i want them to prove their loyalty
(7:47:17 PM) Gabe Vail: just thinking aloud lmao
(7:47:20 PM) locolicious: and they want us to prove their loyalty
(7:47:51 PM) locolicious: i mean i do think they're serious but i also want to err on the side of cautio
(7:47:52 PM) locolicious: n
(7:48:02 PM) locolicious: and give us more options
(7:48:13 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah i would agree with that
(7:48:21 PM) locolicious: i also dont know who has the favorites idol. but i do not think its kyle or outlast
(7:48:49 PM) locolicious: and, say, if we lose sean at this TC and then Outlast at the next, if we have to go to TC again, we can attempt to use the idol on kyle
(7:49:19 PM) locolicious: like i said earlier i would feel better about this if kyle wasnt part of the picture
(7:49:28 PM) locolicious: because do they seriously think we'd commit to a F5 alliance with those three
(7:49:38 PM) locolicious: also i do not know if this is a F5
(7:49:44 PM) locolicious: or a majority alliance to get out of this tribe
(7:50:25 PM) Gabe Vail: that's actually a good question
(7:50:25 PM) Gabe Vail: So I was thinking of a fan/fav majority alliance.. interested?
(7:50:38 PM) Gabe Vail: dewie deffos approached it as a "majority alliance" and not a final five to me
(7:52:21 PM) locolicious: i think still think they would be pretty easy to figure out when the merge came. like, if they suddenly started saying that so and so will be an extra number. which is why we absolutely need to keep shorty around
(7:52:32 PM) locolicious: in case we need to bail on them
(7:53:03 PM) locolicious: also i do not know all the politics on the favs tribe, but i'm pretty sure dewie hates tre
(7:53:28 PM) locolicious: and he's always being a smartass to jon in the thread, but i dont really know what that means
(7:55:04 PM) Gabe Vail: that probably means dewie/jon don't like each other or they are really close
(7:55:08 PM) Gabe Vail: (so.. that tells us nothing lol)
(7:55:11 PM) locolicious: lol
(7:55:29 PM) Gabe Vail: and yeah i'm sure the merge will be between 12-10 considering how predictable the format has been so far
(7:55:35 PM) locolicious: ya
(7:55:46 PM) locolicious: how many people will be left after this double? 14?
(7:56:00 PM) locolicious: meaning we have to win at least two challenges to avoid a potentially tricky 3rd TC on this tribe
(7:56:03 PM) locolicious: which i think we def could do
(7:56:15 PM) Gabe Vail: that means we only have to win 1
(7:56:18 PM) locolicious: oh
(7:56:25 PM) Gabe Vail: 16 to 14 this round regardless of who wins
(7:56:31 PM) Gabe Vail: we lose one 13 left
(7:56:35 PM) Gabe Vail: we win one 12 left MERGE
(7:56:42 PM) Gabe Vail: only 2 tcs
(7:56:54 PM) locolicious: unless the merge is at 10?
(7:57:15 PM) locolicious: (Although i think the merge will be at 12)
(7:57:29 PM) locolicious: but it could really be either one
(7:58:12 PM) Gabe Vail: if it's at 10 we would need to win 3 to avoid a tricky third TC
(7:58:19 PM) locolicious: lulz
(7:58:31 PM) locolicious: and even that i think could be solved by shorty's idol
(7:59:00 PM) locolicious: i guess another question is if we just secretly include shorty in on this without dewie/ashley knowing
(7:59:16 PM) locolicious: even though i dont wanna bring it up to super fan shorty cuz he's all superfan
(7:59:20 PM) Gabe Vail: lol would they get pissed
(7:59:23 PM) locolicious: yes
(7:59:25 PM) locolicious: probably
(7:59:37 PM) Gabe Vail: and yes shorty woulda be hella pissed too
(8:00:02 PM) Gabe Vail: ok i have to go out with my mom for like an hour
(8:00:05 PM) locolicious: ok
(8:00:06 PM) Gabe Vail: talk later?
(8:00:12 PM) locolicious: yep i should be around.
(8:00:21 PM) Gabe Vail: kk cool <3
(8:13:36 PM) locolicious: p.s. basically if anyone of them asks about the idol i'm just gonna say "i dont know" to everything <3
(9:10:03 PM) Gabe Vail: lol good plan
(9:10:51 PM) locolicious: so i think we lost this challenge lol
(9:11:06 PM) Gabe Vail: how do you know?
(9:11:38 PM) Gabe Vail: no i'm 90% sure we won yo
(9:11:58 PM) Gabe Vail: wait idk
(9:12:03 PM) Gabe Vail: i'm confusing myself
(9:12:06 PM) locolicious: well, apparently shorty/outlast go the DQ time. as did chie. i think the other team beat you/kyle by 8 minute. me/dewie beat the other team by 6 minutes, and i guess ashley/sean also DQd?
(9:12:15 PM) locolicious: at least dewie said that the two other teams on both tribes DQd
(9:12:27 PM) Gabe Vail: gabriela hasn't even competed
(9:12:31 PM) locolicious: it doesnt matter
(9:12:53 PM) locolicious: two DQ'd teams on both tribes.
(9:12:54 PM) Gabe Vail: so if them doing horrible wouldn't affect the outcome, they were probs too far behind or too far ahead
(9:13:35 PM) locolicious: i think too far ahead meaning like a net lead of 2 mintues. if they outscored you by 8 minutes, but we outscored them by 6 minutes, then they win with like 2 minutes
(9:14:13 PM) Gabe Vail: ugh
(9:14:20 PM) locolicious: whatever its not like its for immunity
(9:14:23 PM) locolicious: but i thought we had a good tribe lmfao
(9:14:30 PM) Gabe Vail: not to be a b*tch but it's all kyle's fault *glare8
(9:14:47 PM) Gabe Vail: actually it's nobody's fault but i'm still bitter about him doubling my time
(9:14:50 PM) locolicious: dewie seems to blame nate because nate admitted he made the "missions" too hard for 15 mins
(9:14:57 PM) Gabe Vail: that ~WILL~ be discussed in my confessionals
(9:15:00 PM) locolicious: HAHA
(9:15:07 PM) Gabe Vail: lol we were given a full 30 minutes to do ours
(9:15:14 PM) locolicious: lulz
(9:15:20 PM) Gabe Vail: i only took 12 but kyle took 20 *eyes*
(9:17:31 PM) locolicious: why couldnt i just have gone 3 minutes faster
(9:17:32 PM) locolicious: *pouts*
(9:17:59 PM) locolicious: p.s. these timed challenges piss me the f*ck off
(9:19:54 PM) Gabe Vail: ikr. let's just pray the other tribe is so far behind it'd be impossible to catch up and that's why he's saying it won't matter
(9:19:58 PM) locolicious: lolol
(9:20:15 PM) locolicious: lets also pretend kaitlyn is really eager to find out she lost right?
(9:20:27 PM) Gabe Vail: at least we haven't had an evil trashley POSTS 5,000 TIMES OVER THE NEXT 24 HOURS type thing tho
(9:20:38 PM) locolicious: oh pls we would pwn at that
(9:20:44 PM) locolicious: i mean
(9:20:44 PM) Gabe Vail: that's true
(9:20:44 PM) locolicious: i wouldnt
(9:20:48 PM) locolicious: since i cant access it at work
(9:20:51 PM) locolicious: so
(9:20:52 PM) locolicious: nvm
(9:21:02 PM) Gabe Vail: i don't have a job or school so i woulda completely pwn at it
(9:21:19 PM) locolicious: its blocked at work because its has the word GAME in the thread
(9:21:25 PM) locolicious: but now i have found other forums are now BLOCKED
(9:21:33 PM) locolicious: like i can access sonkei tribe forum
(9:21:38 PM) locolicious: but not my profile or the game thread
(9:21:44 PM) locolicious: and i dont think i can access the general game forum
(9:21:51 PM) Gabe Vail: wtf why
(9:21:54 PM) Gabe Vail: that's so sketch
(9:22:08 PM) locolicious: but i swaer i used to be able to view the general game forum
(9:22:13 PM) locolicious: cuz i could see there were new posts in the game thread
(9:22:15 PM) locolicious: but i couldnt access them
(9:22:19 PM) locolicious: and it pissed me off
(9:22:35 PM) locolicious: yuku is not blocked at work and its glorious
(9:23:59 PM) Gabe Vail: yuku and glorious are two words that just don't go together
(9:24:15 PM) Gabe Vail: shorty finally answered me what was i supposed to ask him again?
(9:25:33 PM) Gabe Vail: oh i remember
(9:25:43 PM) Gabe Vail: he says his plan is to get outlast to vote with the fans
(9:27:04 PM) locolicious: lol oh deer
(9:27:16 PM) locolicious: where did he come up with this. is there something we need to know
(9:27:21 PM) Gabe Vail: LMFAO he's never spoken with outlast yet
(9:27:23 PM) locolicious: oh god
(9:27:24 PM) Gabe Vail: this is a sh*tshow
(9:27:35 PM) locolicious: like for real?
(9:27:58 PM) Gabe Vail: Gabe Vail: "have you talked to outlast" Him: "Not yet. I wanted to see who wins individual immunity so that if i say slmeone to vote out that person doesnt get immunity. I think our best bet is to vote for kyle"
(9:28:00 PM) Gabe Vail: DYING RN
(9:28:42 PM) locolicious: oh deer
(9:28:47 PM) locolicious: i thought he actually had INFORMATION
(9:29:02 PM) locolicious: although i woudl love to see the developments he comes up with after he approaches outlast with this proposition
(9:29:22 PM) Gabe Vail: lol i just asked him why he thinks outlast would flip
(9:30:07 PM) Gabe Vail: his answer: "Well i would like dewie. But i think if anyone has the idol its him. So its best to vote for him then him idol us"
(9:30:12 PM) locolicious: like lol what if outlast actually says yes to voting out kyle
(9:30:37 PM) locolicious: let shorty run with that idea. i dont think dewie has the idol but i also have no idea why i think he doesnt, so he very well could have it
(9:30:41 PM) Gabe Vail: i would die laughing because everyone on this tribe would be playing stupid survivor
(9:30:58 PM) Gabe Vail: (in response to if outlast voted for kyle)
(9:31:01 PM) locolicious: ya
(9:31:36 PM) locolicious: honestly i really wanna hear the developments of this new plot twist
(9:31:41 PM) locolicious: to see it outlast actually would
(9:31:57 PM) Gabe Vail: ikr i'm going to encourage him to approach outlast
(9:32:02 PM) locolicious: beucase....if he actually would..we could all vote kyle. and if outlast does it..then like...LOL.
(9:32:19 PM) locolicious: and even if we vote out kyle, we could still get ashley and dewie to vote out outlats next LOL
(9:32:23 PM) Gabe Vail: it wouldn't never happen
(9:32:33 PM) Gabe Vail: these are faves
(9:32:38 PM) Gabe Vail: there's no way anyone's THAT dumb
(9:33:04 PM) locolicious: lol honestly we could be really evil and set it up so that it *does* happen
(9:33:06 PM) Gabe Vail: i think that would be freakin hilarious though
(9:33:38 PM) Gabe Vail: "I think that dewie and ashley are pretty tight. Kyle and outlast im not so sure about. I could be wrong. Who do you think would flip?"
(9:33:52 PM) locolicious: "outlast" lolz
(9:33:53 PM) Gabe Vail: hey this kid isn't too dumb he sussed out the ash/dewie connection
(9:33:56 PM) locolicious: ya
(9:34:05 PM) locolicious: but its not that hard to suss out
(9:34:21 PM) Gabe Vail: lol true
(9:34:44 PM) locolicious: plus i think outlast is SMART and wouldnt just like
(9:34:46 PM) locolicious: do that
(9:34:52 PM) Gabe Vail: oh he says we can idol someone if we can't get someone to flip
(9:35:31 PM) Gabe Vail: let's see if he'll hand me that idol
(9:37:31 PM) locolicious: oh deer
(9:38:50 PM) Gabe Vail: nah i'm gonna push him into trying to flip outlast
(9:38:57 PM) Gabe Vail: just because i'm dying to see what'll happen
(9:39:15 PM) locolicious: yes yes
(9:39:22 PM) Gabe Vail: and why do you say deer instead of dear?
(9:39:25 PM) locolicious: uh
(9:39:26 PM) locolicious: i duno
(9:39:27 PM) locolicious: i just do
(9:39:42 PM) locolicious: oh dear is too old lady like
(9:39:57 PM) Gabe Vail: lol oh deer makes you sound like a hunter
(9:40:02 PM) locolicious: WHAT IF I AM
(9:40:04 PM) locolicious: jk im not
(9:40:43 PM) Gabe Vail: lol i like hunters it's kinda sexy
(9:41:00 PM) Gabe Vail: i told shorty that he should be the one to talk to outlast cause i suck at social interaction
(9:41:06 PM) locolicious: bahah
(9:41:08 PM) Gabe Vail: HE'S GONNA DO IT i'm excited lol
(9:41:12 PM) locolicious: YUSS
(9:41:31 PM) Gabe Vail: and he thinks we definitely won the challenge
(9:41:35 PM) Gabe Vail: so... we lost =/
(9:41:37 PM) locolicious: hmm
(9:41:39 PM) locolicious: bahaha
(9:41:57 PM) locolicious: in anycase, its gonna be a "Surprise, b*tch" moment for someone
(9:42:15 PM) Gabe Vail: true
(9:42:33 PM) locolicious: speaking of buddy (kind of) did anyone figure out what the f*ck was with him and sean
(9:42:36 PM) locolicious: (and gabriela?)
(9:43:37 PM) Gabe Vail: idk it was incoherent nonsense
(9:44:01 PM) Gabe Vail: i would've LOL'd so hard if all 3 ended up on the same tribe after the swap though
(9:44:20 PM) Gabe Vail: not to be a b*tch, but buddy seems like a psycho but less fun
(9:44:29 PM) Gabe Vail: he's all over the place
(9:44:53 PM) locolicious: i find buddy hilarious
(9:45:01 PM) locolicious: but i dont understand his random outbursts
(9:47:24 PM) Gabe Vail: neither do i lol
(9:47:44 PM) Gabe Vail: maybe i like it less because he lives near 20 minutes away from me and i feel like he WOULD find me and cut me irl
(9:47:50 PM) locolicious: yikes lol
(9:48:49 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao why can't i live near the sexually explicit pinoys of fgc
(9:49:23 PM) locolicious: ew
(9:50:08 PM) locolicious: sorry the first person i thought of was sizzling bikini
(9:50:49 PM) Gabe Vail: NO NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND
(9:51:01 PM) locolicious: lol. hence my extremely reactionary ew
(9:51:03 PM) Gabe Vail: and isn't ellyze a girl?
(9:51:05 PM) locolicious: um
(9:51:06 PM) locolicious: no
(9:51:09 PM) locolicious: unless he got a sex change
(9:51:10 PM) locolicious: but no
(9:51:17 PM) Gabe Vail: WHAT
(9:51:21 PM) locolicious: NO HE IS A MAN DUDE
(9:51:22 PM) Gabe Vail: THEN WHY THE f*ck IS HE NAMED ELLYZE
(9:51:28 PM) Gabe Vail: THAT'S A FEMALE NAME
(9:51:33 PM) locolicious: I think his real name is Ellis
(9:51:48 PM) Gabe Vail: oh lmao
(9:52:00 PM) Gabe Vail: i was on a tribe with him for like 3 weeks oops
(9:52:06 PM) Gabe Vail: i called him "she" the entire time
(9:52:11 PM) locolicious: many people do
(9:52:12 PM) locolicious: i think
(9:52:13 PM) locolicious: lol
(9:52:48 PM) Gabe Vail: lol
(9:55:07 PM) Gabe Vail: WAIT IS DEWIE A BOY OR GIRL
(9:55:26 PM) locolicious: pretty sure Dewie is a boy
(9:55:33 PM) Gabe Vail: lol k
(9:55:47 PM) Gabe Vail: i have trouble with gender on the internet
(9:55:57 PM) locolicious: pretty sure there is a male symbol under his posts
(9:56:13 PM) Gabe Vail: *facepalm* i'll just walk away quietly
(9:56:18 PM) locolicious: pretty sure ashley is actually ashley neleh hence she is a boy
(9:56:28 PM) locolicious: thus* whatever. whatever english.
(9:56:36 PM) Gabe Vail: WAIT WHAT
(9:56:39 PM) locolicious: JUST KIDDING
(9:56:40 PM) Gabe Vail: SHE IS NOT
(9:56:45 PM) locolicious: twas a joke
(9:57:04 PM) locolicious: that would probably change everything
(9:57:12 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao ikr
(9:57:46 PM) locolicious: im also pretty sure buddy calle PGcool a "he" and a "him" even though she has a female symbol
(9:58:23 PM) Gabe Vail: i think pgcool is a girl tho
(9:58:32 PM) Gabe Vail: because we're supposed to use reps of our own gender
(9:58:36 PM) Gabe Vail: maybe?
(9:58:45 PM) Gabe Vail: i know nate made me choose a boy
(9:58:46 PM) locolicious: i think pgcool is a girl even though ive never asked
(9:58:48 PM) locolicious: ah
(9:59:09 PM) Gabe Vail: and you chose phillip *shudder*
(9:59:14 PM) locolicious: becaue its my name
(9:59:33 PM) locolicious: lol i told nate that i was scared to choose phillip cuz eveyrone hates him
(9:59:48 PM) locolicious: and he proceeded to explain that it was just for the leaderboard and i'm like well duh but still lol
(9:59:58 PM) Gabe Vail: lol i'm going to follow in eddie's footsteps and vote your a** off
(10:00:05 PM) locolicious:
(10:00:07 PM) Gabe Vail: BUH BYE
(10:00:23 PM) Gabe Vail: actually eddie did nothing but look pretty so that's the model i will really follow <3
(10:00:30 PM) locolicious: if you do that i hope you follow in his footsteps and become a useless pawn and get blindsided in a blindeside
(10:00:52 PM) locolicious: lol i thought eddie's story was kinda hilarious.
(10:01:00 PM) locolicious: like when he was blindsided in the andrea blindside or whatever
(10:01:24 PM) Gabe Vail: Eddie was amazing and is in my top 5 boys of survivor ever
(10:01:47 PM) Gabe Vail: and yes i will vote the wrong way at every tribal council ever except for 2
(10:01:51 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:05:57 PM) Gabe Vail: oh ashley's avatar is the grinch. Ashley Neleh would never have a non-white in her avatar it can't be her
(10:06:19 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:06:27 PM) locolicious: i didnt even realize thats what it was
(10:06:32 PM) locolicious: i thought it was like a gremlin from one of those movies
(10:06:52 PM) Gabe Vail: it's from the live grinch movie #duh
(10:07:03 PM) locolicious:
never seen it
(10:08:20 PM) Gabe Vail: it's ok it's not that great
(10:08:32 PM) locolicious: is it with, uh, jim carrey
(10:08:42 PM) locolicious: cuz if so, then its pretty obviously not that great
(10:09:02 PM) Gabe Vail: yes it is
(10:09:37 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:26:06 PM) Gabe Vail: we lost
(10:26:27 PM) locolicious: ya lol
(10:26:31 PM) locolicious: SO now... what the f*ck are we doing
(10:26:44 PM) Gabe Vail: *
(10:27:10 PM) locolicious: p.s. ashley just PMed me asking if i ever talk to sean. and she said she heard that sean is a lying little snake. so... i'm waiting to hear what she has to say and where she got htis information. obviously, i'm clued into at least one person (BUDDY) who thinks that. so i'm waiting to hear who she got her info from
(10:27:37 PM) Gabe Vail: \\cue angry rant about kyle slowing me down in confessionals
(10:27:45 PM) Gabe Vail: oooooh that's interesting
(10:27:47 PM) locolicious: seriously
(10:28:00 PM) Gabe Vail: if the info is from someone who's not gabriela/buddy i wonder what that means
(10:28:01 PM) locolicious: i love these new plot twists. Outlast and SHorty, and now Ashley's info on sean (so random wtf)
(10:28:05 PM) locolicious: i know
(10:28:09 PM) locolicious: i hope its from someone else
(10:28:16 PM) Gabe Vail: me too
(10:28:24 PM) Gabe Vail: this game is finally getting unpredictable
(10:28:26 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:30:34 PM) locolicious: also if she got the info from buddy or gabriela, why the f*ck is she talking to them?
(10:30:46 PM) locolicious: and...if its from a favorite on the other tribe..then...that's interesting
(10:31:13 PM) Gabe Vail: X @ all of teh above
(10:31:21 PM) Gabe Vail: and short is officially messaging outlast now
(10:32:14 PM) locolicious: finally
(10:32:26 PM) locolicious: also i'm totally IMing buddy
(10:32:51 PM) locolicious: to get more information on sean
(10:32:54 PM) locolicious: or at least buddy's take on it
(10:33:25 PM) Gabe Vail: mmmm fun <3
(10:33:36 PM) locolicious: um you should IM gabriela lulz
(10:33:43 PM) locolicious: get in on the madness
(10:34:02 PM) locolicious: buddy doesnt seem to be around right now
(10:34:34 PM) Gabe Vail: i kinda want to
(10:34:34 PM) Gabe Vail: but no thanks
(10:34:42 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:36:18 PM) locolicious: ugh ashley
(10:36:19 PM) locolicious: you tease
(10:36:25 PM) locolicious: she just said:
(10:36:34 PM) locolicious: I actually don't have any details or specifics unfortunately bahahaha I would love to hear moreÂ
I guess somebody from this site played a forum game with him recently on another site and said sean was a lying backstabbing snake hahaha
(10:38:10 PM) Gabe Vail: LMFAO <3333
(10:38:15 PM) Gabe Vail: are you gonna explain the story to her?
(10:38:18 PM) locolicious: no
(10:38:28 PM) locolicious: i called her a tease and hopefully she will reveal more lmfao
(10:38:33 PM) locolicious: im gonna get the story from buddy first
(10:38:37 PM) locolicious: and see if he told anyone
(10:39:40 PM) Gabe Vail: oh ok lmao
(10:39:47 PM) Gabe Vail: this is kind of amazing
(10:39:57 PM) locolicious: ahh buddy responded but now he's being slow answering my questions lol
(10:40:00 PM) Gabe Vail: who knew the boring fans could actually bring drama
(10:40:04 PM) locolicious: i know right
(10:40:16 PM) locolicious: srsly the favorites probably think they're geniuses though
(10:42:26 PM) Gabe Vail: THEY AIN'T HOT sh*t
(10:42:28 PM) Gabe Vail: ~I'M~ THE HOT sh*t
(10:44:06 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:44:25 PM) locolicious: WHY
(10:44:32 PM) locolicious: other than that he sucks
(10:44:46 PM) Gabe Vail: do i need another reason?
(10:44:50 PM) Gabe Vail: HE MADE ME LOOK WEAK
(10:45:20 PM) locolicious: lol
(10:45:21 PM) locolicious: ok
(10:45:30 PM) locolicious: i think youve proven yourself though
(10:45:35 PM) locolicious: *LOOKS @ LAST IC*
(10:45:43 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao i just hate losing
(10:45:49 PM) locolicious: i know.
(10:45:51 PM) Gabe Vail: and he we would've WON
(10:46:01 PM) Gabe Vail: *glaring*
(10:46:09 PM) locolicious: yes
(10:46:29 PM) locolicious: but think of it this way: someone having immunity could complicate the sh*t out of our TC
(10:46:32 PM) locolicious: which is already complicated
(10:46:37 PM) locolicious: dont...think..about how you could have won..
(10:46:40 PM) locolicious: cuz..its sad
(10:48:21 PM) Gabe Vail: i was imagining myself with that pretty little necklace
(10:48:29 PM) Gabe Vail:
(10:48:37 PM) locolicious: haha
(10:48:53 PM) locolicious: i'ms ure shorty was imagining himself with it too
(10:49:09 PM) Gabe Vail: as if he would've won it
(10:49:20 PM) Gabe Vail: we all know that sh*t was mine
(10:49:22 PM) Gabe Vail: (jk lmao)
(10:50:31 PM) locolicious: lmfao
(10:55:05 PM) Gabe Vail: thank god this challenge didn't decide whether we go to tribal cause i'd be pissed rn
(10:55:19 PM) locolicious: ya
(11:07:19 PM) Gabe Vail: OMG I USE THAT PIC ALL THE TIME
(11:07:47 PM) locolicious: yuss
(11:12:33 PM) locolicious: so mad taht buddy stopped responding to my questions about sean
(11:12:50 PM) Gabe Vail:
(11:13:05 PM) Gabe Vail: jsyk dewie is questioning your tie vote then flip strategy
(11:13:11 PM) locolicious: what is he saying
(11:13:52 PM) Gabe Vail: that shorty doesn't have much sway it seems, so pissing him off shouldn't matter so we should just vote with them on the first vote
(11:14:08 PM) locolicious: i know but he doesnt know that shorty has an idol and i f*cking do lol
(11:14:24 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao i know right
(11:14:37 PM) Gabe Vail: i'm tap dancing around trying to explain WHY we don't wanna piss him off wihtout saying WHY
(11:15:28 PM) Gabe Vail: "yeah i do see where you're coming from with the risks and all and it's true shorty doesn't really have much sway with us but i think he could get most of the other fans to turn against us because of our being evil and snakes or whatever."
(11:15:32 PM) Gabe Vail: how does that sound?
(11:15:42 PM) locolicious: but honestly whatever. if we vote sean, they will probably vote outlast at the next TC. and then if we go to ANOTHER TC we just agree to f*cking vote out shorty and pretend that we blindsided sean with the idol or taht some other rando (like eaoltis) has it. and then boom we all vote for kyle and they vote for shorty and shorty uses his idol
(11:16:01 PM) Gabe Vail: that would work best to be honest
(11:16:09 PM) Gabe Vail: ONE PROBLEM
(11:16:13 PM) locolicious: we can pretend like we fell for the SEAN IS A SNAKE bullsh*t
(11:16:17 PM) Gabe Vail: if shorty doesn't know about the sean plan
(11:16:19 PM) locolicious: even though i dont give a f*ck
(11:16:25 PM) Gabe Vail: he'll use his idol at the outlast plan
(11:16:30 PM) Gabe Vail: outlast tribal*
(11:16:35 PM) Gabe Vail: and we won't be able to get kyle out
(11:17:19 PM) locolicious: i sort of just want dewie to let it slip to shorty that he will agree to vote out outlast at the next TC
(11:17:22 PM) locolicious: then have outlast find out
(11:17:26 PM) locolicious: and then have outlast agree to vote out kyle NOW
(11:17:27 PM) locolicious: lol
(11:18:03 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao what a hot mess that would be
(11:18:05 PM) Gabe Vail: I LOVE IT
(11:18:30 PM) locolicious: i just REALLY wanna know who ashley/dewie are talking to on Chie
(11:18:42 PM) locolicious: because htey are talking to SOMEONE which makes it more obvious to me that kyle needs to GO
(11:19:08 PM) locolicious: cuz like i still think they could be good allies. just if they have less henchmen
(11:20:25 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah exactly
(11:20:26 PM) Gabe Vail: their info just doesn't appear from nowhere
(11:20:32 PM) locolicious: right
(11:20:44 PM) locolicious: and telling me that sean is a snake is an obvious ploy to convince me to vote for sean
(11:20:59 PM) locolicious: >________>
(11:21:14 PM) Gabe Vail: mhmm
(11:21:24 PM) Gabe Vail: it's okay we'll get all our sh*t together
(11:23:03 PM) locolicious: at this point someone will be stupid and get our sh*t together for us
(11:23:59 PM) Gabe Vail: hopefully
(11:24:08 PM) locolicious: *tries with buddy again* lol. "so whats happening on Chie?". must get some info out of Chie lol. >_>
(11:25:48 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao should i try?
(11:26:14 PM) Gabe Vail: if you want i'll find his house and blow him for intel
(11:26:17 PM) locolicious: lol meh. TRY WITH GABRIELA OBVIOUSLY lol
(11:26:33 PM) locolicious: have a fan to fan heart to heart conversation with babriela
(11:26:47 PM) Gabe Vail: mmmk lmao
(11:27:06 PM) locolicious: im actually rooting for it to be a deadlock and rocks at Chie and have a favorite gtfo
(11:27:26 PM) Gabe Vail: that would leave us more options in the future if the fans took over Chie
(11:27:31 PM) locolicious: for real
(11:27:46 PM) locolicious: if the favs take it over its ugh
(11:27:51 PM) Gabe Vail: it says she's typing but nothing is coming in
false alarm maybe
(11:27:57 PM) locolicious: cuz they could potentially throw everything
(11:28:04 PM) locolicious: and the next few challenges might be throwing competitions.
(11:28:19 PM) Gabe Vail: are we sure our tribe's not gonna do the same to us?
(11:28:26 PM) locolicious: i dont think they will
(11:28:45 PM) locolicious: dewie would never purposely lose
(11:28:48 PM) locolicious: and look like a dumbf*ck
(11:28:57 PM) Gabe Vail: gabriela is horribly pissed at jgrubl
(11:29:02 PM) locolicious: oh my god
(11:29:04 PM) locolicious: get the details stat
(11:29:09 PM) Gabe Vail: that's a good point phil lmao
(11:29:22 PM) locolicious: i love it when gabriela gets pissed
(11:29:25 PM) Gabe Vail: "Pissed at Jgrubl...I asked if Nate could contact me via AIM for the live challenges, because it's easier for me, and this jacka** has the nerve to answer that this isn't 1980 and no one uses AIM anymore"
(11:29:32 PM) locolicious: LOL
(11:29:43 PM) locolicious: proboards PM is soo 21st century
(11:29:47 PM) locolicious: and chatzy
(11:29:48 PM) locolicious: wow amazing
(11:30:03 PM) Gabe Vail: LMFAO
(11:30:21 PM) locolicious: lol jon is kind of an a** though
(11:30:29 PM) Gabe Vail: i imagine this episode will be 50% strategy on our tribe and 50% drammuhh on theirs
(11:30:35 PM) locolicious: loll
(11:31:02 PM) Gabe Vail: they are targetting Kenny
(11:31:02 PM) locolicious: its so funny becaue this game is like seriously the most amateur org ever
(11:31:12 PM) Gabe Vail: ikr it's so bizarre to me
(11:31:38 PM) Gabe Vail: on fgc i'm premerge most of the time and this game is more lulz
(11:31:54 PM) locolicious: so do they think it'll be a tie
(11:31:55 PM) locolicious: like a deadlock
(11:32:04 PM) locolicious: cuz if so, if its deadlock, then kenny is immune
(11:32:06 PM) Gabe Vail: i'm asking now
(11:32:12 PM) locolicious: they may want to target someone they wouldnt mind being immune for rock draw
(11:32:40 PM) locolicious: also i say this not knowing how nate handles ties AT ALL
(11:32:42 PM) Gabe Vail: they are trying to flip tre
(11:32:45 PM) locolicious: nice
(11:32:50 PM) locolicious: hopefully it works
(11:32:58 PM) locolicious: cuz uh..wasnt tre the next target on chie
(11:33:31 PM) Gabe Vail: kaitlyn is trying to flip pgcool to the faves
(11:33:40 PM) locolicious: stay cool pgcool!
(11:33:59 PM) Gabe Vail: other fans told gabriela that tre is on the bottom
(11:34:03 PM) Gabe Vail: i wonder where they got that
(11:34:07 PM) locolicious: other fans?
(11:34:33 PM) locolicious: (dewie told me his next target was tre btw). so its probably true
(11:34:42 PM) locolicious: but i'm not gossiping or anything
(11:34:50 PM) Gabe Vail: should i share that with gabriela?
(11:35:01 PM) Gabe Vail: or stay hush hush
(11:35:08 PM) locolicious: uh, ... i mean i dont want it getting traced back to me.
(11:35:11 PM) locolicious: but you could casually be like
(11:35:16 PM) locolicious: oh yeah tre is def on the bottom
(11:35:18 PM) locolicious: its obvious blah blah
(11:35:19 PM) Gabe Vail: ya know what imma pull info without pushing any agenda
(11:35:20 PM) locolicious: I DUNNO
(11:35:24 PM) locolicious: ya
(11:35:34 PM) locolicious: i heard from dewie that um
(11:35:37 PM) Gabe Vail: she forgot about kenny being safe from the vote at a rock draw
(11:35:40 PM) locolicious: stan tried to take control of the tribe
(11:35:44 PM) locolicious: er..
(11:35:48 PM) locolicious: jhon tried to take control of the tribe
(11:35:56 PM) locolicious: but then they got a group to counter him by voting out stand
(11:35:57 PM) locolicious: stan
(11:35:59 PM) locolicious: his closest ally
(11:36:04 PM) Gabe Vail: LMFAO <3
(11:36:07 PM) locolicious: and then after stan, just got jhon
(11:36:13 PM) locolicious: so theres definitely a majority "counter allaince" group
(11:36:16 PM) Gabe Vail: their tribals sound more interesting than ours
(11:36:22 PM) locolicious: they had real tribal councils remember
(11:36:27 PM) locolicious: so tre might be willing to give up info
(11:36:39 PM) locolicious: like, maybe tre was part of jhons group
(11:36:45 PM) locolicious: and he knows who the counter alliance was
(11:36:50 PM) locolicious: like DEWIE / ASHLEY etc
(11:36:57 PM) locolicious: maybe KAITLYN AND KENNY
(11:37:19 PM) locolicious: i think the fans over there have a legit chance of flipping tre
(11:37:25 PM) locolicious: without us even having to push anything
(11:37:33 PM) Gabe Vail: yeah i hope so too
(11:37:43 PM) locolicious: they just need to offer tre something
(11:37:47 PM) locolicious: better than 5th in their grou
(11:37:48 PM) locolicious: p
(11:37:48 PM) locolicious: lol
(11:38:08 PM) Gabe Vail: make a threesome alliance with him
(11:38:12 PM) locolicious: yeah for real
(11:38:13 PM) Gabe Vail: threesomes are fun
(11:38:16 PM) locolicious: yeah for real
(11:39:12 PM) Gabe Vail: i suggested it to her let's see what she says
(11:39:34 PM) locolicious: lol dewie asked me who i would have wanted to vote out next on sonkei. and i threw out a random name (Gabriela) cuz she isnt on our tribe
(11:39:37 PM) locolicious: but now i love gabriela
(11:39:40 PM) locolicious: if they can pull this off lmfao
(11:40:44 PM) Gabe Vail: lolol it's funny because the fans literally had no superstructure
(11:40:49 PM) locolicious: seriously
(11:40:50 PM) locolicious: seriously
(11:40:55 PM) locolicious: which is what made this round kinda awk
(11:41:03 PM) Gabe Vail: we just cohabitated.. weirdest tribe i've ever been on
(11:41:07 PM) locolicious: i know
(11:41:14 PM) locolicious: united against josh
(11:41:16 PM) locolicious: and thats pretty much it
(11:41:16 PM) Gabe Vail: ikr they're like "WHATS YOUR PECKING ORDER" and i'm like lol we just existed
(11:41:23 PM) locolicious: i know right!
(11:41:39 PM) locolicious: we seriously did not have to have any REAL strategy talks
(11:41:43 PM) locolicious: that didnt involve beating the favs
(11:41:56 PM) Gabe Vail: even those were more pep talks than anything
(11:42:00 PM) locolicious: lol ya
(11:42:34 PM) locolicious: i just hope kenny does not have an idol. and if he does whatever he'll use it and its gone.
(11:42:50 PM) locolicious: i hope stan had the idol.
(11:43:08 PM) Gabe Vail: if stan or jhon had the idol that would be best case scenario for us
(11:43:27 PM) locolicious: (the favs HAVE to know that shorty has the idol right? just based on the PM he sent? lolol). dewie was askin and i'm just like.. "i dunno. the topic never came up" blah blah
(11:43:52 PM) Gabe Vail: the PM only went to the fans tribe
(11:43:56 PM) locolicious: oooh ok
(11:44:00 PM) locolicious: i thoguht it went to EVERYONE
(11:44:04 PM) Gabe Vail: it was in response to the PM nate sent all the newbies
(11:44:08 PM) locolicious: oooh ok
(11:44:09 PM) locolicious: whew
(11:44:18 PM) Gabe Vail: LOL @ that pivotal PM plot point <3
(11:44:22 PM) locolicious: lolol
(11:44:48 PM) Gabe Vail: this is becoming a b*tchfest about the faves
(11:44:52 PM) locolicious: love it
(11:44:59 PM) Gabe Vail: gabriela's animosity <3 she's gonna bring it in confessionals i just know it
(11:45:05 PM) locolicious: seriously yes
(11:45:12 PM) locolicious: its hot when she gets fiery
(11:46:11 PM) locolicious: there is so much i am waiting for
(11:46:15 PM) locolicious: outlast responding to shorty
(11:46:19 PM) locolicious: shorty coming up with a plan
(11:46:23 PM) locolicious: buddy answering my f*ckin IMs
(11:46:33 PM) locolicious: finding out who wins immunity on chie
(11:47:44 PM) locolicious: finding out if tre will switch. gasp. its too much
(11:51:30 PM) Gabe Vail: lmfao it's like episode 5 is the beginning of the season
(11:51:30 PM) Gabe Vail: everything else was jsut filler
(11:51:31 PM) Gabe Vail: "Thanks...and I'm rooting for you to vote Dewie's a** off the island"
(11:51:31 PM) Gabe Vail: she really is fiery i love it
(11:53:20 PM) locolicious: lol she hates dewie so much
(11:57:24 PM) locolicious: honest opinion you think its worth working with dewie and ashley in this game. i get bored of both sean and shorty and i find entertainment in both dewie and ashley. but also everyone hates dewie...which...i see pros and cons going along with that. at first i was really happy talking strategy with dewie when he approached us because it was kinda the first time. i sort of feel commited to them because ive had way more enlightening conversations with them than i have had with either shorty or sean, but i need to know if it is smart
(11:58:28 PM) Gabe Vail: okay so... you're asking ME if something is smart or not so you're already up sh*t's creek
(11:58:35 PM) locolicious: LOL
(11:58:42 PM) Gabe Vail: but i genuinely don't think it's that dumb
(11:58:59 PM) locolicious: i think as long as we know their relationships to others, then its not that dumb.
(11:59:03 PM) Gabe Vail: like... sean and shorty are so innately lifeless that working with them is just difficult
(11:59:14 PM) locolicious: thats sorta where i'm at lol
(11:59:20 PM) Gabe Vail: whereas i feel like we can really play with ashley and dewie
(11:59:27 PM) locolicious: yeah
(11:59:31 PM) Gabe Vail: and if we go down in flames it'll be hella entertaining this way
(11:59:35 PM) locolicious: truth
(11:59:42 PM) locolicious: i mean this is the most important game of the year anyway
(1/9/2014 12:00:13 AM) locolicious: lol so i am chatting with shorty now
(12:00:23 AM) locolicious: and i have to pretend that i havent been strategizing all day
(12:01:22 AM) Gabe Vail: lmfao play dumb gurl
(12:03:02 AM) locolicious: i usually do with him
(12:03:05 AM) locolicious: and it pisses me off so much
(12:04:06 AM) Gabe Vail: awww your poor thang
(12:04:18 AM) Gabe Vail: p.s. how much did you tell dewie about gabriela/the other tribe?
(12:04:34 AM) locolicious: um not really much actually
(12:04:41 AM) locolicious: like i dont think i told him anything important
(12:05:07 AM) Gabe Vail: lol i'm just wondering cause dewie said "I hear Gabriela's making enemies fast" so i'm LOLing
(12:05:15 AM) locolicious: wow wtf
(12:05:25 AM) locolicious: i think ive said "gabriela sucks" to dewie.
(12:05:25 AM) Gabe Vail: i'm hoping Gabriela's edit goes UTR-UTR-UTR-UTR-OTTN
(12:05:29 AM) locolicious: like her challenge stuff
(12:05:47 AM) locolicious: i think i've played it off like i dislike gabriela more than i actually do
(12:05:54 AM) locolicious: cuz he wants information so i just fed him BS
(12:06:34 AM) Gabe Vail: ahhh i gotcha
(12:06:49 AM) Gabe Vail: no worries i'm just curious why dewie asked me that of all questions lol
(12:06:55 AM) locolicious: hm weird
(12:07:04 AM) locolicious: should i tell shorty that the favs approached me about voting out sean
(12:07:12 AM) Gabe Vail: p.s. i f*cking hate their PM system it makes conversations way longer
(12:07:19 AM) Gabe Vail: uhmmm idk do what you think is best
(12:07:27 AM) locolicious: lol for real
(12:08:04 AM) locolicious: honestly what if i agreed to vote out sean, and then shorty playe dhis idol on sean
(12:08:10 AM) locolicious: or like if we agreed
(12:08:19 AM) locolicious: and then kyle gets voted out and we act all pissed lol.
(12:08:50 AM) Gabe Vail: so you're saying we vote with the fivesome but tell shorty where to play his idol and how to vote
(12:08:57 AM) Gabe Vail: and act SHOCKED
(12:09:05 AM) Gabe Vail: kyle leaves
(12:09:09 AM) Gabe Vail: and we play both sides again?
(12:09:15 AM) locolicious: basically. >_______>
(12:09:30 AM) Gabe Vail: i kinda like it alol
(12:09:45 AM) Gabe Vail: it's complex but we could probs pull it off
(12:10:13 AM) locolicious: it would make voting out outlast way harder cuz they would want to vote out sean again. but then if we vote out sean they might srsly vote out outlast. OR if outlast survives till the merge, and we need him to counter dewie/ashley later we can REVEAL THE ENTIRE PLAN
(12:10:53 AM) locolicious: i think i have sorta been playing it up that sean/shorty are a pair. like i want them to think that
(12:11:21 AM) locolicious: and if we could play it up that shorty caught wind of people spreading rumors about sean, and that he got suspicious they would vote sean for that reason, and thats why he played it..we could potentially get away with it
(12:11:31 AM) Gabe Vail: well yeah if we did that, then we'd have to be like "oh hey you lost one last time so we'll lose one this time" otherwise they'd get pissed
(12:11:36 AM) locolicious: right
(12:11:58 AM) locolicious: we also have to be careful with shorty. oh, and btw, shorty is telling me to get close to ashley
(12:12:01 AM) locolicious: and find out who they're voting
(12:12:11 AM) locolicious: he actually hasnt told me that he has an idol
(12:12:15 AM) locolicious: and i'm sort of hoping he doesnt
(12:12:18 AM) Gabe Vail: Shorty: "Have any of the faves talked to you about tribal?" Me: "NO
I'm so unloved"
(12:12:22 AM) locolicious: LOL
(12:12:29 AM) locolicious: shorty told me no one talked to him.
(12:12:33 AM) locolicious: so if he's lying, please tell me lulz
(12:13:55 AM) Gabe Vail: he said the same to me
(12:14:01 AM) locolicious: lol ok
(12:14:19 AM) Gabe Vail: what if he and the faves are pulling a long con on us?
(12:14:26 AM) locolicious: baaaaaahahaha
(12:14:30 AM) Gabe Vail: and we're the next two out?
(12:14:33 AM) locolicious: kudos to them
(12:14:43 AM) Gabe Vail: then the season would get super boring
(12:14:46 AM) Gabe Vail: what a pity really
(12:14:52 AM) locolicious: pretty much
(12:16:07 AM) locolicious: hopefully shorty stil wants to vote out kyle
(12:16:23 AM) locolicious: and hopefully he wants to use his idol. and hopefully h e doesnt tell me/us (but he'll probably tell you)
(12:17:21 AM) Gabe Vail: why don't you want him to tell you about the idol?
(12:17:35 AM) Gabe Vail: and yeah i hope he sticks to those plans
(12:17:51 AM) locolicious: because then i could legit act shocked
(12:17:56 AM) locolicious: once he plays it
(12:19:18 AM) Gabe Vail: but... you know about it
(12:19:35 AM) Gabe Vail: and i ~can't~ act shocked so i can be scapegoated
(12:20:48 AM) locolicious: oh yeah. i spose we would have to inform shorty that we are voting for sean if we do that, huh. under the pretenses that we want to "get close" to ashley and dewie (as shorty has instructed me to to).
(12:20:59 AM) locolicious: to do*
(12:21:25 AM) Gabe Vail: wait i'm confused
(12:22:29 AM) locolicious: nevermind i'm probably not speaking clearly. i thought we were just talking about the hypothetical scenario of you and me voting sean with Ashley/Dewie/Kyle, but secretly informing Shorty to play his idol on Sean.
(12:23:20 AM) Gabe Vail: yeah i followed that
(12:23:31 AM) Gabe Vail: but i'm saying if you didn't know about the idol
(12:23:37 AM) Gabe Vail: then i would be to blame for teling shorty
(12:23:42 AM) locolicious: i see
(12:24:26 AM) locolicious: i assumed we would both just be innocent in that scenario lulz
(12:24:29 AM) Gabe Vail: i'd still be willing to do it
(12:24:45 AM) locolicious: as long as we can all act
(12:24:57 AM) Gabe Vail: i'm just thinking that if ashley/dewie asks shorty about it and short says i told him to
(12:25:01 AM) Gabe Vail: it's my word against his
(12:25:58 AM) locolicious: right. shorty would need to be in on everything, basically. but shorty has also told me to get close to ashley. so i can pretend that i'm trying to get close to ashley by voting with her. this is compliated and scary
(12:27:06 AM) Gabe Vail: i mean as long as ashley and dewie don't ask shorty about it we would be fine
(12:27:24 AM) Gabe Vail: and if we cast votes WITH them, why wouldn't they trust us?
(12:27:36 AM) locolicious: yeah thats kind of the cover up i'm going for
(12:28:35 AM) locolicious: (12:27:52 AM) Kody Verrett: Yeah jhon is the one who told me we could trust outlast
(12:28:17 AM) locolicious: i see i see
(12:28:25 AM) locolicious: interesting development
(12:28:53 AM) Gabe Vail: woah
(12:29:02 AM) Gabe Vail: this strategy is hella interesting
(12:29:21 AM) locolicious:
oh i didnt mean to interrupt an important thought
(12:29:45 AM) locolicious: i mean we'd sort of be double bluffing ashley/dewie and shorty/sean at the same time....
(12:29:46 AM) Gabe Vail: you didn't interrupt a thought
(12:29:49 AM) locolicious: oh
(12:30:10 AM) Gabe Vail: but lol yeah as long as we're careful about what we say, we can seem loyal to both parites
(12:30:13 AM) Gabe Vail: parties*
(12:31:19 AM) locolicious: lets hear what outlast has to say before we approach shorty with any further strategy. sort of let shorty develop this on his own, as long as he thinks the votes are going to sean and kyle.
(12:32:16 AM) Gabe Vail: sounds good to me
(12:32:26 AM) locolicious: i sort of feel like dewie and ashley are the bad guys
(12:32:28 AM) locolicious: but i kinda like it
(12:33:00 AM) Gabe Vail: i'm usually an OTTN or MORN b*tch anyways so aligning with the evil side only enhances my game
(12:33:04 AM) locolicious: lol
(12:33:26 AM) locolicious: villains <3
My conversation with Shorty. Much shorter, but actually quite informative.